I make sure to finish the game again regardless.Įdited by SwobyJ, 05 December 2013 - 09:47 PM. Sometimes I may want to ignore it at first and do it after the ending a first time. NOTE: Citadel DLC can change the whole overall tone of the last 1/3 of the game, perhaps in an uncomfortable way. Sanctuary (Citadel visits/arena throughout) Thessia (Citadel visits/arena throughout)ġ9. Leviathan (3 missions, straightthrough)ġ8. Order I generally do it (again, *generally*, based on most people alive):ġ6. Citadel (depends if you want Tali and/or Miranda involved, if they're alive otherwise fits best right after Omega, but do it after Sanctuary if you want MirandaĬlone Story may depend on Tali, Visits/Party may depend on Tali or Miranda) Leviathan (depends if you want Tali involved, and fits better after Thessia-Sanctuary definitely do it after Monastary)Ĥ. Omega (right after Citadel Coup can sort of fit in before Coup though, in some ways)ģ.
From Ashes (right before Palaven or Sur'Kesh anytime in first half of game works 'well enough' though)Ģ.